Madhouse Tarot Deck



The Madhouse is an exaggerated model of the world around us – a concentrate of madness, which is usually scattered in everyday life.

The Madhouse Tarot is a project that we had worked on for two years; it is complex, interesting, and wonderful at the same time.

Its result is the hand-drawn Tarot card deck. Each card is full of metaphors; it figuratively speaks of the person’s behavior at some degree of the extremeness of their mental state.

This deck is made in accordance with the concept developed in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

The deck has a conventional structure of 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. Minor Arcana classification by suits is also traditional and is represented by Wands, Cups, Swords and Coins.

In the Major Arcana, you will see patterns of the paths between the Sephirah on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Twenty-two paths are the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to which the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck are assigned.

In the iconography of the Minor Arcana, we used the seals of the Goetia demons. Because each of us is full of doubts, disappointments, fears, and anxieties. These demons of the soul are hidden parts of our personality.

We chose outstanding historical characters for the Court cards in our deck. The implication is not that they are mad, but visionaries. Their contribution to the advancement of the world lies in their singularity and otherness as well as in the extraordinary capacity to do so being on the edge of reason.

These cards may interest both amateurs and collectors of the Tarot, as well as those who use the Tarot as an additional tool in psychological work.

For example, the symbolism of Arcana makes it possible to use them as a diagnostic tool in projective tests, or combine them as a means of self-knowledge with group therapeutic processes of psychodrama, systemic constellations, and gestalt therapy. Card depictions are based on archetypal, classical, or other images and associations, clear to all; therefore, they can also be used as metaphorical associative cards — a powerful tool of modern psychology. Working with them will help understand what is happening, get advice on how to get out of the situation, get rid of mental pain, speak out one’s feelings, and much more.

The deck will relieve mental and nervous tension. Visualization of the peculiarities of the work of the brain helps many people understand where their difficulties and problems are. And the combination of cards - the more deepens the meaning.