The Lost Hollow Tarot features an amalgamation of archetypes pulled from the Rider-Waite-Smith, Crowley-Harris, and Golden Dawn Tarot traditions. Each card was carefully researched, designed, and illustrated to allow for both depth of symbolism as well as quick precision in your readings, all while still depicting the grim elegance of its supernatural motif.
Each card is drawn in a red, black and white color scheme that keeps the whole deck unified in one consistent look and feel. The characters in the deck are a diverse cast that bring to life the varied beauty of the setting and its inhabitants. Every card meaning has a considered mediation between its different sources and as such you will see a melding of traditions.
Pips are fully illustrated with depictions of people and backgrounds like a RWS deck, but also contain symbolism and designs inspired by the Thoth deck, and titles inspired from both the Golden Dawn and Thoth. Meanings of cards follow the three sources, so where one differs from the other two, the more common meaning is applied. Cards ask you to read energy and themes and aren't tied to following specific gender expressions. The characters within are varied in their bodies, races, ages, sexual orientations, and genders (yes, even and especially the court cards, which despite their naming, follow no specific gender expression).
Here you will find all cards fully illustrated with a rich and diverse cast of characters. I've tried my best to depict them with beauty and grace, but also with just a hint of horror and the macabre. Despite the dark setting, the contents of the deck read with the variety of light and dark themes and archetypes you'd expect from a Tarot deck. Bonus cards of Justice and Strength, each with their own unique artwork, let you choose whether you'd like them numbered according to the Rider-Waite-Smith standard or the Crowley-Harris/GD one. This brings the total card count up to 80, although you'll likely still only use 78 at once.