Fairy Tarot Cards



Fairy Royalty Helps You Wear Your Invisible Crown.
The fairies are nature angels who assist us all with earthly concerns, including increasing our self-confidence and belief in our ability to make a positive difference in this world.
The 78 gorgeous cards in this deck are geared toward helping you “wear your invisible crown” and fulfil your life purpose. Radleigh Valentine calls Fairy Tarot Cards the “self-esteem deck” because the words and images are imbued with this intention. Inside you’ll meet Fairy Kings, Queens, Princes and Princesses, set against the backdrop of iconic Glastonbury, England. The wisdom of the fairies inscribed on each card and explained in the accompanying guidebook will help you put your life on the fast track of Divine magic!
Fairy Tarot Cards makes a perfect companion to the best-selling Angel Tarot Cards. (In fact, you can mix the two decks for even more accurate and detailed readings!)

John Says:
I've had the original Doreen Virtue deck for a few years now and love them. This deck only differs in that it lacks the original silver edges. Otherwise the same excellent quality as the original. One of the things I like about these cards is that a brief card meaning is printed at the bottom of each card, which serves as a great prompt especially for beginners. The guidebook is also excellent and includes a small image of each card along with suggested meanings. With all this help though, don't forget to use your intuition first and reference the suggested meanings only when you need a little extra help.